Procompetitive Effects of Mergers in the 2023 Merger Guidelines: What Counts and Where?
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, May, 2024. (with Julia Gonzalez, Matthew Calvin and Rachel Feldman )

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Design on Pricing
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 33(2), 276-304, 2024. (with Chaim Fershtman and Ariel Pakes)
    Earlier version: Artificial Intelligence and Pricing: The Impact of Algorithm Design
    NBER WP 28535.

Bid Rigging and Umbrella Damages
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, November, 2023. (with El Hadi Caoui, Vikram Kumar and Enrico De Magistris)

The Sprint/T-Mobile Merger
Antitrust Economics at a Time of Upheaval, edited by Kwoka, John, Tommaso Valletti and Lawrence White, Competition Policy International, Chicago. (with Michael Katz)

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm Design and Pricing
AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112, 452-56, 2022. (with Chaim Fershtman and Ariel Pakes)

Collusion, Mergers, and Related Antitrust Issues
Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume 5, edited by Katherine Ho, Ali Hortascu and Alessandro Lizzeri, Elsevier (New Holland). Published online 12/2/2021, avaliable here. (with Volker Nocke)
    Working paper version here

Patent Auctions and Bidding Coalitions: Structuring the Sale of Club Goods
RAND Journal of Economics, 52(3), 662-690, 2021. (with Mariagiovanna Baccara and SangMok Lee)
    Bankruptcy monitor's report on the Nortel IP Auction
    Online appendix

A Computational Framework for Analyzing Dynamic Auctions: The Market Impact of Information Sharing
RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), 805-839, 2020. (with Chaim Fershtman, Jihye Jeon, and Ariel Pakes)
    Online appendix

A Study of Exclusionary Coalitions: The Canadian Sugar Combination, 1887--1889
Antitrust Law Journal, 83(1), 99-126, 2020. (with Scott Hemphill)

(Mis)Allocation, Market Power and Global Oil Extraction
American Economic Review, 109(4), 1568-1615, 2019. (with Allan Collard-Wexler and Jan De Loecker)
    Online appendix

Advertising and Related Restraints
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, January, 2018. (with Heski Bar-Isaac)

Corporate Investment and Stock Market Listing: A Puzzle?
Review of Financial Studies, 28(2), 342-390, 2015. (with Joan Farre-Mensa and Alexander Ljungqvist)
    Online data appendix
    Companion paper: What do Private Firms look like?

Tomorrow's Antitrust Rulings on Conditional Pricing
Monopoly Matters, 12(1), 8-12, 2014. (with Selvin Akkus-Clemens)

Dynamic Inputs and (Mis)Allocation
Journal of Political Economy, 122(5), 1013-1063, 2014. (with Allan Collard Wexler and Jan De Loecker)
    Online Appendix, and Commentary on related literature
    Earlier version: Productivity Volatility and the Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies.

Raising Retailers' Profits: On Vertical Practices and the Exclusion of Rivals
American Economic Review, 104(2), 672-686, 2014. (with Heski Bar-Isaac)
    Related stuff: Appendix, Erratum
    Earlier versions: Vertical Practices Facilitating Exclusion, Exclusionary Minimum Resale Price Maintenance.

Vertical Practices and the Exclusion of Rivals Post Eaton
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, July, 2013. (with Shannon Seitz)

Bidding Rings
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Eds. Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume, Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1057/9780230226203.3822, 15 July 2010.

A Study of the Internal Organisation of a Bidding Cartel
American Economic Review, v100(3), 724-762, 2010.
    Related Stuff: A sub-sample of the data , Online Appendix

Leniency and Post-Cartel Market Conduct: Preliminary Evidence from Parcel Tanker Shipping
International Journal of Industrial Organization (36th EARIE Papers and Proceedings), v28(4), 407-414, 2010.

Competition and the Structure of Vertical Relationships in Capital Markets
Journal of Political Economy, v118(3), 599-647, 2010. (with Alexander Ljungqvist)

Subsidies, Entry and the Distribution of R&D Investment
International Journal of Industrial Organization, v28(3), pp 254-270, 2010. (with Mariagiovanna Baccara)

Procurement when Both Price and Quality Matter
RAND Journal of Economics, v41(1) pp 1-34, 2010. (with Estelle Cantillon)
    Related Stuff: Proofs and Derivations; Matlab Code

Properties of Scoring Auctions
RAND Journal of Economics, v39(1), pp 69-85, 2008. (with Estelle Cantillon)

Subsidizing (and Taxing) Business Procurement
Journal of Public Economics, v92(7), pp 1630-1643, 2008.
    Related Stuff: Erratum

Teaching Auction Strategy using Experiments administered via the Internet
Journal of Economic Education, v35(4), pp 330-342, 2004. (with Brit Grosskopf, Carl N. McKinney, Muriel Niederle, Alvin E. Roth and Georg Weizsacker)

Bidding up, Buying out and Cooling-off: An examination of auctions with withdrawal rights
Economic Theory, v16(3), pp 585-611, 2000.
    [Reprinted in Cason, Timothy and Charles Noussair (Eds), Advances in Experimental Markets, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 131-158, 2001]